Nagato Sensei Taikai

The Pacific Northwest Bujinkan Organization is pleased to host Nagato Sensei, the 27th head of Shindenfudo Ryu and Daishihan of the Bujinkan Organization, in Oregon for a three-day Taikai.

The Taikai will take place July 26th, 27th, and 28th, 2024 at the Monarch Hotel in Portland, Oregon USA.

Basic Taikai information:

Price: $400 – Price increases to $440 after March 31st. Tickets will be sold until July 20th (Subject to change based on logistics)There are only 400 tickets available. Order now to make sure you have a seat.

What to wear: Gi pants and t-shirt are okay. You may also wear a Gi-top, but please remember, it will be summer and warm.

If you bring a drink, please make sure to have it in a closed container, so it does not spill. No alcohol, please.

There will be no videoing in the Taikai. Also, please keep your cell phones on silent or off.

Tools to bring:

  • Hanbo
  • Tanto
  • Bokken (no live blades at the event)